The Mentoring Guy

Professional Development and Networking Training for College Students and Young Professionals

Welcome To Your Future!

15+ years of global experience, right at your fingertips!

Regardless of industry, expert-level guidance is one of the most valuable tools for students and young professionals. Unfortunately, for those of us without pre-existing relationships to lean on, finding the right mentor can be challenging.

I experienced this firsthand throughout my career in law and higher ...

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Actionable networking strategies, tailored to your career goals

When I was in school, my professors all told me that a robust professional network was the key to unlocking lucrative career opportunities.

One thing they didn’t tell me?

How to build, nurture, and maintain that network - those of us without pre-existing connections have to go out there and make things happen.

The ...

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Modern solutions built for the modern world

As much as we’d all love to forget about COVID-19, the pandemic has had a lasting impact on both the development of students and the realities of today’s competitive job market.

In addition to my professional experience as a lawyer, I have also spent the past decade working in higher education. This has given me ...

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Why Choose The Mentoring Guy?

  • Communication
  • Rapport Building
  • Networking
  • Professional Development
  • Self-improvement
  • Goal Setting
  • Workplace Preparedness
  • Soft Skills

Don't take our word for it...

Gordon McCormack

I owe so much of my confidence and success to Ben's diligence during those fateful years of my undergrad, as he respects and cares about his students enough to give them both the resources they need to succeed as well as the assurance that they've made the right choice. 


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